I'm pleased to report that Netscape has now officially merged with
America Online. Our shareholders
approved the transaction this morning, and the final procedural steps
were completed by AOL shortly
While this milestone marks the threshold to a promising new
future it also is an occasion
for me to reflect on our extraordinary history.
By launching Netscape just five short years ago in April 1994, Jim Clark
and Marc Andreessen
unleashed an explosive wave of innovation and growth that created
another Silicon Valley legend.
Netscape has played a key role in changing the Internet and literally
changing the world. This is
something that we will all share together forever."
-- Letter to team, March 1999

Jim B
Jim Barksdale was hired as President and CEO of Netscape in 1994.
Netscape's products revolutionized communications, letting businesses and people communicate faster and better. He served in this role through the company's merger with America Online, completed in 1999.