Bicycling Links, Tips, Equipment, and Knowledge
2 wheel human-powered vehicles? Ambrosio... Bontrager... Cannondale... Shimano... Specialized... Giant... Sidi... EtxeOndo... Schwinn... Cinelli... Look... Lance Armstrong... Greg LeMond... Miguel Indurain... Sean Kelly... Eddie Merckx... Tom Boonen... Viatcheslav Ekimov... Peter Sagan... Fausto Coppi... Fabian Cancellara... Jobst Brandt... Oscar Freire... You get the idea -- read on.
- Shimano Parts Compatibility, compilation of resources and info. Currently tracking 2000 - 2021 with compatibility charts and analysis. Try the compatibility magic web app or Android app here.
- Road Race Champions - list of the winners of UCI's coveted striped cycling jersey.
- Super Looper around Tokyo: A long day ride along waterways circling Tokyo, including rivers and Tokyo Bay waters.
- Coast to Coast across Honshu Japan - 400km in 3 days, scenic, fast, and with relaxing break times.
- Mount Diablo, by Chain Reaction Bicycles. The 2nd highest point in the San Francisco Bay Area. The World's 2nd-most expansive visible surface area from the summit (behind Kilimanjaro).
- Cycling News with news, technology, reviews, and more.
- Rolling Resistance myths debunked, and an introduction to Continental's revolutionary Vectran Grand Prix tire (c. 2005). Field-tested at Paris-Roubaix in 2005.
- Moab Utah Mountain Bike summer adventure.
- Osaka Japan based museum of bicycles, sponsored by Shimano.
- Hokkaido the Half-Fast Expedition of 2009.
- Bridge Ride and Kyoto and Shimanami Kaido tour, November, 2008.
Bicycle Makers
The following list of cycle manufacturers is broken down by country, as near as that can be determined in the modern age:
- Belgium:
- Germany:
- Storck - http://www.storck-bicycle.de/
- Rotwild - http://www.rotwild.de/
- Canyon - http://www.canyon.com/
- Corratec - http://www.corratec.com/
- Cube - http://www.cube.eu/
- Italy:
- De Rosa - http://www.derosanews.com/
- Cinelli - http://www.cinelli.it/
- Wilier - http://www.wilier.it/
- Rossin - http://www.grupettoitalia.co.uk/
- Pinarello - http://www.pinarello.com/
- Kuota - http://www.kuota.it/
- Basso - http://www.bassobikes.com/
- Bianchi - http://www.bianchi.com/
- Colnago - http://www.colnago.com/
- Fondriest - http://www.fondriestbici.com/
- Casati - http://www.ciclicasati.it/
- Viner - http://www.viner.it/
- Gios - http://www.gios.it/
- Cipollini - http://www.mcipollini.com/
- Bottecchia - http://www.bottecchia.com/
- Ciocc - http://www.ciocc.it/
- United States:
- Specialized - http://www.specialized.com/
- Cannondale - http://www.cannondale.com/
- Trek - http://www.trekbikes.com/
- Motobecane - http://www.motobecane.com/
- Schwinn - http://www.schwinnbikes.com/
- Independent Fab - http://www.ifbikes.com/
- GT - http://www.gtbicycles.com/
- Marin - http://www.marinbikes.com/
- Mongoose - http://www.mongoose.com/
- Litespeed - http://www.litespeed.com/
- Jamis - http://www.jamisbikes.com/
- Kona - http://www.konaworld.com/
- Blue - http://www.rideblue.com/
- Felt - http://www.feltbicycles.com/
- Sage - https://sagetitanium.com/
- Seven - http://www.sevencycles.com/
- Serotta - http://www.serotta.com/
- Scott - http://www.scott-sports.com/
- Fuji - http://www.fujibikes.com/
- Moots - http://www.moots.com/
- Merlin - http://www.merlinbike.com/
- Lynskey - http://www.lynskeyperformance.com/
- Zinn Cycles - http://www.zinncycles.com/, a big and tall and custom fit specialist.
- Spain:
- Massi - http://www.casamasferrer.com/
- Orbea - http://www.orbea.com/
- Great Britain:
- Boardman - http://www.boardmanbikes.com/
- Raleigh - http://www.raleigh.co.uk/
- Moss - http://www.mossbikes.co.uk/
- Genesis - http://www.genesisbikes.co.uk/
- Condor - http://www.condorcycles.com/
- Onix - http://www.onixbikes.co.uk/
- Canada:
- Switzerland:
- BMC - http://www.bmc-racing.com/
- France:
- Lapierre - http://www.lapierre-bikes.co.uk/
- Time - http://www.time-sport.com/
- Look - http://www.lookcycle.com/
- Holland:
- Taiwan:
- Giant - http://www.giant-bicycles.com/
- Merida - http://www.merida-bikes.com/
If you ever get a second chance in life for something, go all the way. -- Lance Armstrong