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Ruby One-LinersJune, 2011
ruby -e 'p (1..10).map {|n| n * n * n } ' ruby -rdate -e 'p DateTime.now.cweek' # gives the calendar week # for the current year ## separate a list ruby -e 'p [22, 333, 498, 55, 11,17, 99].partition { |n| n>60|}' ## sum the list ruby -e 'p (1..45).inject { |sum,n| sum + n}' ## edit in place ruby -pi.bak -e "gsub(/1.5/,'1.6')" v*.txt # quick math ruby -e 'puts (Math.sqrt(16**2/29))' # iterate over files, parsing ruby -ne 'puts $_.strip if $_ =~ /sudo/' networking/* # quick find minimum ruby -e 'p [19, 4, 29, 312, 81, -11].min' # rewrite lines, prepending line # and tab: ruby -pe 'print $., "\t"' networking/file.txt # sum total of all integers on lines in file ruby -ane 'BEGIN{$sum=0}; $sum+=$F.reduce(0){|s,x| s+x.to_i}; END{puts $sum}' file.txt # print how many lines contain a string ruby -ne 'BEGIN{$t=0}; $t+=1 if ~/1/; END{puts $t}' file.txt # print the number of fields followed by the line: ruby -ane 'BEGIN{$,="\t"}; print $F.size, $_' file.txt # print lines with more than certain number of fields ruby -ane 'print if $F.size > 3' file.txt # print a number of characters (like 51 a's) ruby -e 'puts "a"*51' # remove whitespace, end of each line of file: ruby -pe 'sub /\s*$/, "\n"' file.txt # modify all instances of string to new string in a file: ruby -pe 'gsub /oldt/, "newt"' file.txt # modify all instances of string, when line contains 3rd string: ruby -pe 'gsub /oldt/, "newt" if ~/chkt/' file.txt # print all lines, but one first 2 fields, and those 2 reversed: ruby -ane 'BEGIN{$,=" "; $\="\n"}; print $F[1],$F[0]' file.txt # switch first 2 fields, print all lines: ruby -ane '$F[0],$F[1] = $F[1],$F[0]; puts $F.join(" ")' file.txt # print the line preceding a regex match, not the matched line: ruby -ne 'print $r.to_s if ~/match/; $r = $_' file.txt # print lines by number in a file ruby -ne 'print if (2..4).include?($.)' file.txt # print but remove duplicate lines ruby -ne 'BEGIN{$a={}}; print unless $a[$_]; $a[$_] = $_'
"With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available. On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge." |
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