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Disqualification, 2024 Election

Election 2024 is here. Make your plan to vote. Celebrazio's Disqualified candidates and the reasons why are shared.

For our Endorsed Candidates, see Celebrazio Endorsements, 2024.

The Disqualified

The Republican presidential ticket has disqualified themselves from serious consideration in 2024. The top reasons are these:

Project 2025 - not-so-secret agenda

Project 2025 - Censorship, and much worse... Project 2025 Summary:
It is simply
  • Bad for Medicare and drug prices.
  • Bad for student debt relief programs.
  • Bad for clean energy and global warming initiatives.
  • Bad for the administration of government: replaces federal professionals with inexperienced loyalists.
  • A risk that could deploy the military against American citizens
  • A permit allowing ICE to conduct raids at schools, churches, hospitals, and playgrounds.
  • Bad for LGBTQ+ (people's) rights.
  • Bad for women's health, integrity.
For a more detailed review: PBS NewsHour Looks at Project 2025 and links to the former president's advisors.

Republican Leadership Fail

Unfit to Lead Editorial From the New York Times:

[the republican candidate] has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency. He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, [the republican candidate] is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.

He is, quite simply, unfit to lead. (7/2024)

Republican administration's Teamwork Fail

criticism from within their own cabinet

You aren’t just voting for a President and Vice President - you’re voting for the people and the expertise they will employ.

Exhibit on the right shows direct quotes from the former president's own cabinet, about the former president. These are simply the worst feedback imaginable, and no doubt lay the basis for historians' recent ranking of the 45th president as the single worst president of all time.

Many of the old candidate's closest policy advisers and those likely to take high-ranking positions in his administration are heavily involved in project 2025.

A majority of the former president's former cabinet members, along with his vice president, are on record as against his candidacy.

The Too Old Factor

Can the candidate think and articulate clearly? At a minimum, can they stay awake on the job?

Looking for an endorsement?
For our Endorsed Candidates, see Celebrazio Endorsements, 2024.

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