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Yakushima, Japan Adventure - Waters


Yakushima, Japan, the Floating Alps. Home of the ancients, World Heritage island. Photos of the waters of Yakushima.

Other photos available from an Autumn Yakushima adventure: Yaku-sugi Trees; Mountain Views; also Yakushima Forests. Also, read more about the World Heritage, park, and ecosystem of Yakushima here.

Yakushima photos - The Waters

Yakushima is an island - to drive around the perimeter is a task of only a couple hours (it's slow going). There are interesting coastal views, including some hot springs right along the sea. There are waterfalls cascading down numerous cliffs and valleys from the peaks above. There are rivers and lakes, brooks, and ponds. (This one was too dark - I switched to black and white on my digital camera).




dry creek

rain fruit



West Coast at Sunset
Sunset on Yakushima

Sunset on Yakushima

Typhoon at Yakushima - at the port

Yakushima is located about 120 km south of Kyushu, in the chain of islands extending down as far as Okinawa, Japan.

Sea Bay

Sea Coast of Yakushima

Waterfalls: Ookawa

Snorkel! off Yakushima too
Snorkel Yakushima

Kaichu Onsen: a hot spring right in the ocean
Onsen in the sea

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